What is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Abdominoplasty can be performed by surgeons, plastic surgeons, and other specialists. The procedure can be used for cosmetic purposes or for medical purposes such as removing excess skin or fat from the abdomen.

The most prevalent type of abdominoplasty is abdominal liposuction, which involves the removal of fat from the abdomen by suction (liposuction) using  a cannula attached to a vacuum machine. Typically, this is a type of plastic surgery that removes excess skin and tissue in the abdomen. It is done to improve the shape of the abdomen, reduce stretch marks and firm the skin.

Why is Abdominoplasty Performed?

Abdominoplasty is used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. It is also known as tummy tuck. Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tissue from the abdomen by firming loose skin or reducing stretch marks.

It can also be used to remove excess fat to provide a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The most common reason for having this surgery is to improve the appearance of the lower abdomen. This involves creating a more appealing waist-to-hip ratio.

Who Are Eligible for Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is performed on people who want to have their excess skin and fat tissue removed from the abdomen, waist and hips. Abdominoplasty is typically a cosmetic procedure that can be used in both men and women.

It is also used in people who are obese or have excessive fat in the middle region. It is also available for people who have given birth and gained weight. It’s mainly done for cosmetic reasons, but it can also be used to treat conditions including post pregnancy excess fat and obesity.

How Long Does Abdominoplasty Take?

Abdominoplasty takes between 2 to 4 hours. It is performed in two steps, with the first being an incision around the navel and the second being the removal of excess skin. There are many factors that affect the duration of  this procedure. These include the type of abdominoplasty, the patient’s weight, and the doctor’s experience.

What Should Be Done Before Abdominoplasty?

The specialist physician informs the patient about the actions to be taken before to the operation. Smoking should be stopped at least two weeks before the surgery. Sun exposure should be avoided for a while. Blood thinners should also be discontinued before abdominoplasty.

One of the most important things to do before having an abdominoplasty is to prepare for a healthy lifestyle by adhering to a post-operative diet and exercise routine. The purpose of these strategies is to maintain a healthy weight and improve muscle mass in order to prevent the recurrence of extra skin, fat, or loose skin.

How Long Does Abdominoplasty Recovery Take?

Depending on the technique used and the complexity of the procedure, the recovery time varies. Hospitalization will be necessary for one to two days. The patient should be able to return to work after 10 weeks.

What Operations Can Be Performed Together with Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty can be combined with other procedures such as liposuction and breast augmentation. This will allow for cosmetic improvement in a number of cases.

Mini Abdominoplasty

Mini abdominoplasty refers to a procedure that only treats the area beneath the belly button. It has no effect on the waist and groin.

Scarless Abdominoplasty (Endoscopic Abdominoplasty)

This is procedure without any incision in the abdominal skin. Endoscopic separation of abdominal muscles is followed by suturing to tighten them. It is the best option if there is no sagging of the abdomen skin.

Prices for Abdominoplasty in 2023

The price varies according to the technique used in the operation. The experience of the surgeon and the number of procedures performed affect the prices.

Can I Get Pregnant After Abdominoplasty?

Women who had this surgery can become pregnant. The surgery does not have any adverse effects on getting pregnant. It is possible to have a healthy child.

Is it Possible to Get Pregnant and Give Birth After an Abdominoplasty?

Getting pregnant is not restricted or difficult for people who have had abdominoplasty. It is therefore possible to become pregnant and deliver birth.

Is Abdominoplasty Effective in Treating Postpartum Stretch Marks?

Abdominoplasty can be preferred for stretch marks that occur after birth. It is an effective and highly beneficial procedure.

Is Abdominoplasty Painful?

During the procedure, anesthesia is used, and no pain is felt. Pain may be experienced following the surgery. These pains, however, are manageable with prescription drugs.

When Will I Be Able to Return to Work After Abdominoplasty?

Mini abdominoplasty patients can return to work in five days. After a standard abdominoplasty, patients can return to work after two weeks.

Can Women Who Have Abdominoplasty Wear Bikinis?

The scars that will result from the surgical procedure will remain within the underwear. Abdominoplasty patients can comfortably wear a bikini.

Why Is It Necessary To Use A Corset After Abdominoplasty?

A corset should be used for easier stretching and recovery of the abdominal region. This will also provide protection of this area against external factors.

Will There Be a Scar After Abdominoplasty?

There will be scars after the operation. This is perfectly normal because of the incision made. However, the scars are under the navel and unnoticeable from the outside.

Is Abdominoplasty Used to Treat Abdominal Hernias?

The muscles of the abdomen can be repaired surgically. Hernias in the abdomen can also be removed. So the hernia can be treated.

Is the Surgery Performed in the Summer?

The operation can be performed at any time of year. It should be emphasized, however, that if performed in the summer, the patient should protect the abdomen from direct sunlight.

When Does the Swelling Subside Following an Abdominoplasty?

Edema and swelling are common side effects of surgery. These swellings normally resolve within a month.

Is It Possible to Lose Weight After Abdominoplasty?

The operation is not performed to help people lose weight. It is performed to make the abdomen appear tighter by removing extra fat and skin. So, it is performed after the patient has lost weight.

How Long Does Abdominoplasty Recovery Take?

Patients are discharged in two days, and the body may need up to a month to recover. Three months is required for full recovery.

When Will the Drains Placed During Surgery Be Removed?

During the procedure, a drain is inserted. These drains, which are placed during abdominoplasty, are usually removed after 5 to 1 week.

When Are the Stitches Removed After the Operation?

The abdominoplasty sutures are removed after a specified amount of time. This period typically ranges between 7 and 10 days.

Will There Be Scars After the Operation?

Scarring is common following surgery and is completely normal. This is caused by the incision made. But scars are hidden.

When Can One Start Exercising Following the Operation?

After three weeks, the patient can start doing light exercise. For other sports activities, it is necessary to wait 6 weeks. Otherwise, there may be problems.

How Soon Can the Patient Shower After Abdominoplasty?

It is necessary to wait a while after surgery before taking a shower. In general, it is best to wait a week and shower after the stitches have been removed.

Can Abdominoplasty Be Combined with Fat Removal?

Abdominal fat is an important aesthetic problem. To fix this problem, abdominoplasty may be combined with fat removal.