What is Orthodontics?
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on dental treatment and the alignment of teeth. It is also known as dental surgery. It can be described as a branch of dentistry that focuses on the treatment of teeth and jaws.
This is one of the most important branches of dentistry. It prevents dental problems such as tooth caries, gum disease and other oral health problems. Overall, orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment and prevention of dental problems. It is a very complex field and requires a lot of knowledge and experience.
How Are Orthodontic Problems Treated?
Orthodontic problems are prevalent worldwide. They affect people of all ages and can be caused by many factors. Orthodontic problems are not easy to treat and can be painful. Orthodontic treatment is not limited to the teeth but also involves other parts of the body such as the mouth, jaw and tongue.
Orthodontics deals with many conditions such as dental caries, gum disease and braces. Dental caries is the most common cause of orthodontic problems. Gum disease is also a common cause of orthodontic problems.
Drinking enough water, brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste and avoiding high sugar foods are effective in preventing diseases. Orthodontic disorders can be treated with braces or dentures. Dentures are used to replace missing teeth.
Can Orthodontic Treatments be Performed at Any Age?
Orthodontic treatments are available at all ages. This is because orthodontic treatments do not only concern teeth. However, it should be noted that an age limit may exist for orthodontic treatments performed for aesthetic purposes. In some cosmetic treatments, there is an age limit of 18 years.
Are Orthodontic Treatments Painful?
It is normal to feel pain in orthodontic treatments. However, this pain occurs after treatment and diminishes over time. The doctor will prescribe medication if necessary to prevent the person from experiencing pain. Only minor tingling may occur. Necessary precautions are taken to ensure that the patient does not feel pain or ache during the treatment.
What are Transparent Aligners in Orthodontics Treatment?
Transparent aligners are becoming very popular nowadays. They are also called invisible braces. They are used for orthodontic treatment to straighten the teeth. It is an ideal method to have both healthy and aesthetic teeth without the need to use braces. These are frequently preferred among orthodontic treatments.
Why are transparent aligners used in orthodontic treatment?
Transparent aligners are widely used in orthodontic treatments. Crooked and distorted teeth are very common. Transparent aligners apply pressure to correct crooked teeth and allow the teeth to become straight again. Their transparent nature gives them an aesthetic appearance. This makes them very suitable for use in orthodontic treatment.
How Does Orthodontic Treatment Work?
In orthodontic treatment, the dentist first performs an examination. During the examination, the oral and dental structure of the person is examined and distortions and problems are determined. Any diseases in the mouth are eliminated before the procedure.
Meanwhile, teeth are also cleaned. After cleaning, the planning process is completed. After planning, the patient is offered options, the desired method is determined, and braces are applied. The braces are fitted using adhesives. These medical adhesives help the braces to be fitted well and smoothly.
How is the Planning Process in Orthodontics?
Braces are applied to correct crooked, irregular, distorted teeth, and the necessary planning is done by the specialist dentist prior to the treatment. The orthodontist first performs the necessary measuring.
These measurement procedures are used to prepare the braces to be fitted to the teeth, and to determine how they will be placed. Upon completion of the analyzes, the patient is informed about different methods and types of braces and how to apply them.
How Braces are Fitted for Orthodontic Treatment?
Braces are used to straighten the teeth. They are used in orthodontics to straighten and align the teeth. Braces can be fitted with dental cement and using a dental tool. Braces are an excellent way to improve the appearance of your teeth.
Braces are a very important part of orthodontic treatment. They help to straighten the teeth and align the jaw. Braces are also used to prevent dental caries and gum disease. After dental imaging and examination of the patient, cleaning and the necessary treatment are performed. Then the desired braces are fitted.
What are the Risks of Orthodontic Treatment?
It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and care to avoid any problems during the treatment. Among the general risks of the treatment, injury to the oral tissues is an example. There may also be root erosion between the braces.
If care and hygiene are neglected, tooth decay may occur. Permanent stains can also occur if teeth are not regularly brushed and cleaned. These are the risks in general.
What are the Disorders Requiring Orthodontic Treatment?
There are different dental problems that require orthodontic treatment. In general, the most common disorder is crowding of the teeth. Orthodontic treatment may also be required for a rotated tooth.
In addition, people with spaced teeth may also need this treatment. Disorders such as protruding jaw, narrow jaw, missing teeth, impacted teeth, cleft palate may require orthodontic treatment.
What Causes Orthodontic Disorders?
The primary cause of orthodontic disorders is the incorrect positioning of the teeth during the developmental period. The same is also the case for the jaw. Dental problems due to jaw stenosis are also among the causes of orthodontic disorders. Tooth loss at a young age can also be the cause of various orthodontic problems.
Which Instruments Are Used in Orthodontic Treatment?
Different tools are used for treatment purposes. In this context, it is important what kind of treatment the person needs and the method to be applied. The most basic instruments generally used are removable and fixed orthodontic instruments. Screw instruments and transparent aligners are also used very often.
Prices for Orthodontic Treatment in 2023
Treatment prices vary depending on many factors. First, the type of treatment is important. Medical tools and materials required for the treatment are also important. For the prices of orthodontics, you should contact your dentist or clinic for information.