A breast lift is a plastic surgery procedure during which the breasts are lifted and recontoured. The procedure can be performed to improve the appearance of the breasts, reduce their size or create a more feminine silhouette.
Breast lift is the process of lifting the breast tissue and moving it to a different position. This can be described as a surgical procedure to lift the breasts and increase their size.
Why do breasts sag?
Breast sagging is a very common problem. It results from the body’s natural aging process and can also be a symptom of other diseases such as breast cancer or ovarian cysts. Breasts also sag when blood flow to the breasts decreases. Breast lifting stands out in this area. Sagging breasts are a common problem affecting women of all ages. This can be a concern for women who want to keep their breasts young.
How is a breast lift performed?
Breast lift is a cosmetic surgery that involves lifting the breasts to the desired position and reinforcing them with fillers. This is a cosmetic procedure that can make women look younger and more attractive. The procedure is performed by removing the nipple to the planned area and shaping the breast tissue. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
What are Breast Lift Surgery Techniques?
As part of breast lift procedures, three different techniques are generally used. The first of these techniques is nipple lifting, which is performed in cases of minor sagging. In moderate sagging, lollipop-shaped lifting is performed. In advanced sagging, an inverted T-shaped lifting technique is used. The specialist physician decides on the technique to be used.
Who Should Have a Breast Lift?
Women who have sagging and volume loss in their breasts may need breast lift surgery. This surgery is possible if the nipples are pointing downwards or if there is loosening of the nipple and skin. People who have undergone sleeve gastrectomy surgery and lost weight afterwards can also undergo this surgery.
Preparation for Breast Lift Surgery
During the preparation phase, mammography and breast ultrasound are performed. Blood thinners must be discontinued 7 days before the procedure. The use of cigarettes and similar tobacco products should be stopped at least three days before the surgery.
You should stop eating and drinking 6 hours before the operation. Showering with disinfectant soap the evening before the breast lift operation, not wearing make-up, and not wearing jewelry are also required.
Before a Breast Lift
Patients should pay attention to many factors before surgery. Your doctor will provide you with the necessary information on this subject. It is important to stop taking medication, smoking and drinking alcohol. In order to avoid problems during or after the operation, you should pay attention to what your doctor tells you.
How is the Breast Lift Surgery Recovery Process?
The recovery process of breast lift surgery is complex. It involves many different stages such as the surgical procedure, postoperative care and the healing process. Bruising and swelling are normal. Medications prescribed by the doctor should be used. Shower is allowed on the 4th day. In the meantime, the patient should not lie on the breast for a month. As for heavy exercises, you should wait 6 months.
Is Breastfeeding Allowed After Breast Lift Surgery?
Breastfeeding is a very important component of the mother-child bond. Breastfeeding after a breast lift is an important issue for women. During the operation, the milk ducts of the woman are protected by the techniques applied. This ensures a high level of protection for the milk-producing glands. This means that no problem is experienced in breastfeeding.
Can Sagging Recur After Breast Lift Surgery?
People who have breast lift surgery wonder most about whether sagging might recur after breast lift surgery. The breasts are generally too lifted after the operation. Over time, they soften and have a natural appearance. If the person gains too much weight and loses weight again after the operation, sagging may recur.
Can I Breastfeed After Breast Lift Surgery?
Surgery is performed in a way that does not prevent patients from breastfeeding. During breast lift surgery, care is taken to protect the patient’s milk ducts and milk-producing glands. This protection ensures that you do not have any problems in breastfeeding after the operation. This means that you can breastfeed after breast lift surgery.
Will Breast Lift Surgery Eliminate All Stretch Marks in the Breast?
Breast lift is a surgery that people generally prefer for cosmetic purposes. Accordingly, it allows both the breasts to be more lifted and shaped and the stretch marks to be eliminated. In case the patient has deformations and stretch marks on the breast, these can be repaired with breast lift surgery.
Will there be unpleasant scars on the breast after breast lift?
Patients do not have any unpleasant scars after the operation. Therefore, there is no need to worry about scars. If the breast lift is performed using a breast prosthesis, there will be a small scar of 3-4 cm. This scar is hidden under the breast, so it is not noticeable and does not bother.
From what age can breast lift surgery be performed?
The timing of breast lift surgery is a very sensitive question. This is not only a cosmetic concern, but also one that has important implications for women’s health and well-being. Any woman aged 18 and over can benefit from this surgery. However, the decision should be made carefully, as pregnancy and excessive weight gain may cause sagging in the future.
Can Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation Be Combined?
Women who wish their breasts to be more lifted may not find this sufficient. Especially women who have both sagging and small breasts can also have breast augmentation surgery together with a breast lift. This means that breasts can be both more voluminous and more raised.
Use of protective bra after breast lift
Use of a protective bra or corset after surgery will be beneficial. This will help to speed up the healing process. Also, it will be easier to reduce the edema. It is generally sufficient to use a protective bra for about 3 weeks.
Does SSI Cover Breast Lift Surgery?
The SSI covers the surgeries and procedures performed for health purposes. Breast lift is a plastic surgery performed for cosmetic purposes. It is therefore not covered by the SSI. The operation fee must be covered by the patient itself.
Will my breast size change during breast lift?
Breast lift surgery does not produce a serious enlargement in the woman’s breast. It helps the breasts to be more upright and look fuller and rounder in the bra. Breast augmentation surgery can also be combined with breast lift for those who want it. Thus, the woman can have upright and fuller breasts as she wishes.
Is Breast Lift Possible Without Surgery?
Sagging breasts occur mainly due to the loosening of the breast ligaments. Exercises and similar treatments are not effective to solve this problem. Sagging breasts due to loosened breast ligaments can only be lifted with surgery.
Will there be numbness after a breast lift?
A numbness occurs after the surgery, but this is transient. The person may experience numbness both under the breast and in the nipple. This sensation generally lasts up to 6 weeks.
Prices for Breast Lift Surgery in 2023
Prices of the surgery may vary according to the technique to be applied. Concurrent procedures are also effective in this regard. Fees also vary depending on whether silicone is used. Pricing information for breast lift surgery can be obtained from the health center and hospital.