What Are BBL & Buttock Implants?
BBL & Buttock Implants are a surgical procedure aiming at improving the aesthetic appearance of the hip. It is currently one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. The surgery is designed to improve the contour and size of the buttocks, making them more aesthetically appealing. In general, these are effective procedures that can help a person get a bigger, more prominent, and more beautiful butt.
How Are BBL & Buttock Implants Performed?
There are different treatment options in bbl buttock Implants. Different operations are carried out depending on the type of butt the person desires.
Overall, the BBL & Buttock Implants is used to deliver a more aesthetically appealing buttock using silicone prosthesis while lifting it with fat injection. In other words, how the procedure is carried out is determined by the planning done in accordance with the individual’s expectations.
Who Can Have BBL & Buttock Implants?
Today, many people prefer to have gluteoplasty. In this context, being over the age of 18 is sufficient to undergo cosmetic surgery. However, the patient should not have any health issues. The doctor does an examination to determine whether the patient’s health is suitable for surgery. If no problems are found during the examination, gluteoplasty is performed on the scheduled date.
Butt Lift Surgery
In order to have a more aesthetic appearance, it is important that the hips seem high. Butt lift is one of the cosmetic treatments that comes to mind in this context. It is commonly used on persons whose butts are not up due to factors such as extra weight, frailty, or skin. The surgery produces the desired appearance of a prominent buttocks.
What Are the BBL & Buttock Implant Methods?
There are different methods in BBL & Buttock Implants. The method to be used varies from one person to the next. The condition of the individual’s hip and the desired type of butt are significant factors in determining the appropriate surgical method. In general, the methods for a BBL & Buttock Implant include:
- Buttock augmentation with fat injection
- Buttock augmentation with silicone prosthesis
- Buttock augmentation and plumping up with filler
- Butt lift surgery
How Long Does a BBL & Buttock Implant Take?
The duration of the procedure depends on various factors. In general, one of the most important factors in this regard is the aesthetics technique to be used. For instance, if a silicone prosthesis is used, the operation may take between two and three hours. The same timeframe applies to butt lift.
Is the BBL & Buttock Implant Procedure Painful?
During the operation, the patient experiences no pain or discomfort. General anesthesia is used for this. Hence, the patient is unconscious and does not experience pain during the procedure.
Buttock Augmentation with Fat Injection
Shaping and augmenting the buttocks using the technique known as liposuction is a common practice today. This treatment is one the most effective method for a BBL & Buttock Implant. It is effective in enhancing the buttocks and removing imperfections.
Buttock Augmentation with Silicone Prosthesis
Buttock augmentation with silicone prosthesis is generally used if fat injection is not sufficient. Silicone is placed into the groove behind the butt. Thus, the hips appear both higher and plump.
Buttock Augmentation with Fillers
Although some people desire buttock augmentation, they may be hesitant to undergo surgical intervention. Butt augmentation with filling is a good alternative in this regard. A special filling material is used for the treatment.
Butt Lift Surgery
It is natural for the hips to sag when a significant amount of weight is lost. A butt lift surgery can produce buttocks that appear both elevated and firmer. To make a strap, the skin is usually removed from the lower abdomen or the top of the buttocks.
Things to Consider Before a BBL & Buttock Implant
Patients should pay attention to a number of factors before having a BBL & Buttock Implant. Blood thinners, in particular, should not be used. Alcohol should be avoided for at least two days before the surgery, and smoking should be stopped for at least one week. Doctor’s instructions should be followed.
How Is a BBL & Buttock Implant with Fat Filling Performed?
BBL & Buttock Implant with fat filling has been a very popular cosmetic surgery lately. For this procedure, fat is removed from certain parts of the body and injected into the buttocks.
How Is the Healing Process for BBL & Buttock Implants?
After the procedure, the patient stays in the hospital for one night and then discharged. A corset should be worn for 4-6 weeks during the healing process. Patients may need up to ten days to return to normal life. It takes 3 to 6 months for the buttock to take shape.
Things to Consider After BBL & Buttock Implants
After the operation, the patient should lie face down. Edema and bruising may also occur. For two weeks, no exercise other than walking should be performed. For the first three days, bathing should be avoided. Smoking should be avoided for 3 weeks. Lymphatic drainage massage might help to dissipate edema. It is essential that you follow your doctor’s orders.
Prices for BBL & Buttock Implants in 2023
Prices vary depending on the method used. The number of concurrent procedures also affects the cost of a BBL & Buttock Implant. To have a price estimate, the surgeon’s examination should define which aesthetic procedures will be performed.
Frequently Asked Questions About BBL & Buttock Implants
How to Fix Butt Sagging?
One of the most common buttock complaints is sagging. It can occur as the result of aging, sleeve gastrectomy, or extreme weight loss. Stretching and lifting of the buttocks, as well as BBL and Buttock Implants, can help to correct this problem.
Can I sit on My Butt After Having BBL & Buttock Implants?
People who have had surgery can sit on their buttocks. There is no restriction on this. It should be mentioned, however, that one should not sit for an extended period of time. In general, it’s best to be careful on this issue within the first week.
What Are the Risks Related to BBL & Buttock Implants?
All cosmetic surgeries have certain risks. These risks are very unlikely to occur. They are highly safe procedures if they are performed by a specialist physician. Swelling, bleeding, and infection are some of these risks.
Will There Be Any Scars after BBL & Buttock Implants?
After the surgery, there will be no scar. There will be no scars or stitches to worry about after having a BBL & Buttock Implant. The sutures used will dissolve over time.
Are BBL and Buttock Implants with Fat Injection a Long-Term Solution?
BBL & Buttock Implants with fat injection are highly preferred. The procedure also results in a natural-looking buttocks. It should be noted, however, that adipose tissue loss may occur after 1 to 1.5 years. In this case, revision can be made.
Is It OK to Exercise After the Surgery?
After the operation, people who want to exercise should wait at least one month. It should be mentioned that heavy exercise should be avoided more during this period. Squats, for example, can be difficult to do during the healing period.
Can Men Also Have BBL & Buttock Implants?
Everyone can have a BBL & Buttock Implant, regardless of gender. The most important factor in this case is that the individual is over the age of 18 and does not have any health issues.
Are There Any Risks of BBL & Buttock Implants?
There are always risks involved in surgical procedures and cosmetic surgeries. This operation, too, has risks. Among these risks, the body rejecting fat or prosthetics stands out. BBL & Buttock Implants is a reliable procedure.