What Is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical operation to remove fat from certain areas of the body. It can be used to remove excess fat from the buttocks, thighs or abdomen. This procedure is most commonly performed on women who have lost weight and have excess fat tissue in these areas.
How is Liposuction Fat Removal Procedure Performed?
The procedure involves making small incisions and inserting special cannulas and tubes into the targeted areas to remove fat. The extracted fat is then suctioned through these tubes and collected in an external container.
Before Liposuction
Many issues should be paid attention to before the application. You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Blood thinners should also not be used before liposuction operation.
For Whom is Liposuction Suitable?
The procedure is a surgical procedure that allows the removal of unwanted fat from the body. This procedure is usually performed on people with a high body mass index or people who want to slim their waistline. Liposuction is also suitable for people who have excess fat in any part of the body.
To Which Areas Can Liposuction Technique Be Applied?
Liposuction is an advanced technique that can be used to remove fat from different parts of the body. It has a wide range of applications in cosmetic surgery. It can be used to remove excess fat in certain parts of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, arms and chin.
What are the Liposuction Methods?
Liposuction methods are used to remove fat from various parts of the body. The most common method is suction-assisted lipectomy, also known as lipoplasty. Other procedures such as Vaser Lipo are frequently preferred.
Vaser Liposuction
Vaser lipo is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses ultrasound technology to break down fat and tissue. In general, it can be used in people who have less than 500 cc of fat and are in good health.
Laser Liposuction
Laser Lipo is a surgical procedure that uses lasers to remove fat in a controlled and precise manner. This treatment is used to reduce unattractive fat buildup on the face, neck, arms, thighs and abdomen.
Liposuction with J-Plasma
Liposuction with J-Plasma can be used to remove fat from specific areas of the body without surgery. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-intensity radio frequency waves to break down and liquefy fat cells.
In Which Areas Is Liposuction Most Preferred?
Lipo is a surgical procedure to remove fat cells from multiple points on the body. Liposuction is mostly preferred in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and chin.
Is There an Age Limit for Liposuction Surgery?
Lipo surgery is a cosmetic procedure that may be performed on anyone who meets the criteria. However, the patient must be at least 18 years old. It cannot be performed on people under 18 years of age.
How Many Hours Does Liposuction Surgery Take?
It is usually performed to remove fat from the waist, thighs, hips and buttocks. Liposuction surgery typically takes about two hours to complete. However, it may take longer if there are complications.
What Should I Do After Liposuction Surgery?
After the operation, it is necessary not to miss follow-ups and to stay away from heavy physical activities for a while. Aside from that, you can have an easier healing process by following the instructions given by your doctor.
When Can I See Results After Fat Removal Surgery?
You can achieve great outcomes with this procedure. However, it is important to understand when you can expect to get these results. Definitive results are visible after 6-12 months.
Is Liposuction Permanent?
It is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess fat from the body. It is mainly used as a weight loss method and to improve the overall appearance. It is permanent if there is no sudden weight change.
Prices for Liposuction in 2023
The prices vary depending on the area where the procedure is performed and the surgeon who will perform the operation. The amount of fat to be removed also affects the prices.
Does Liposuction Leave Scars After Fat Removal?
Before the operation, you should know the risks of liposuction. There is no guarantee that you will not have scars after liposuction, but these scars will not be noticeable.
Is Liposuction Fat Removal Used for Weight Loss?
It is used to reduce the size of certain areas such as belly and hips by removing unwanted fat and to reshape the body. So it contributes to weight loss as well.
Does Fat Removal by Liposuction Permanently Eliminate Fat Tissue?
As part of the liposuction procedure, the fat in the person’s body is suctioned with cannulas or vacuum. This removes the fat in the application area permanently.
Is Liposuction Surgery Performed with General Anesthesia?
Depending on the patient, the procedure can be performed under both local anesthesia and general anesthesia. How large the application area will be is the most important factor in this regard.
What are the Risks of Liposuction Surgery? Are There Any Side Effects?
As with any surgery, there are some risks in liposuction surgery. There may be risks such as bleeding, infection, slow healing, poor skin elasticity.
Can Liposuction Be Performed for Weight Loss?
It should be noted that liposuction is not a weight loss treatment. That is, it is done to remove fat, not to lose weight.
How Many Liters of Fat Can Be Removed at One Time? Can Liposuction Be Repeated?
Maximum 4-5 liters of fat is removed without damaging the patient’s body. The procedure can be repeated in 3 to 6 months depending on the patient and more fat is removed.
In Which Cases Does Liposuction Not Work?
The patient should pay attention to diet and exercise after the procedure. In cases of sudden weight gain and loss, the procedure may not work.
What is Laser Lipolysis and What are the Differences with Liposuction?
In lipo surgery, fat tissues are removed by vacuuming. In Laser Lipolysis method, fat tissues remain inside and are destructed by melting method.
Does Fat Regenerate in the Areas Where Fat is Removed?
The number of fat cells in the areas where fat is removed decreases than before. Therefore, fat deposition does not reoccur.
Can Fat Removal Surgery be Performed for Weight Loss?
Fat removal is performed to eliminate fat that cannot be addressed by weight loss. This means that although it is not performed for weight loss, it contributes to it.
Will Weight Regain After Liposuction Fat Removal?
Weight can be regained after liposuction in cases such as not paying attention to nutrition. Liposuction is not a procedure that eliminates weight gain.
How Much Fat Can Be Removed at One Time?
The maximum fat that can be removed at a time depends on the patient. However, usually 4 to 5 kg of fat can be removed.
Can Fat Be Removed From Any Area?
The procedure can be performed in all areas of the body where fat is present. That is, fat removal is possible in every area desired.
How Long Is The Corset Worn After Surgery? What to Do Afterwards?
After the surgery, a corset is worn to help the body shape to settle and the healing process to be faster. The corset is generally worn for 2 months.
Is Liposuction Fat Removal Surgery Painful?
Anesthesia is given to the patient as part of the procedure. Thus, no pain is felt during the procedure.
How to Eliminate Edema from Liposuction Fat Removal?
The edema will resolve on its own over time. Following the doctor’s instructions and massaging the area are also useful in dissipating edema.
Is Vaser Liposuction Performed the Same Way in Men and Women?
The procedure may have some different options for men and women. However, the same procedure is generally performed. Both women and men can easily benefit from the liposuction procedure.