What Is an Arm Lift?
Arm Lift surgery is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arm. It is a cosmetic surgery available for both men and women. The operation is usually performed on patients who have loose, sagging or excess skin on their arms.
The procedure can also be performed for cosmetic reasons if excess skin causes a patient’s appearance to be disproportionate. It is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and soft tissue are removed from the upper arm. Surgery is typically used to treat cellulite in the arms, but it can also be used for stretch marks and sagging skin on arms. The surgery can be done on one or both arms.
Why Does the Arm Skin Sag?
The arm skin sags when it is not well supported by the chest muscles. Arm lift surgery is done to correct sagging. The causes of sagging skin on the arm can be grouped as either intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic causes include muscle weakness, muscle imbalance, and poor posture.
Extrinsic causes include muscle strain, injury, and overuse of the arm. Some causes of sagging arm skin can be prevented, but others are unavoidable. One cause of sagging arm skin is obesity, which leads to a lack of support in the arms and shoulder girdle area. Sagging arm skin is often caused by excessive weight gain, excessive weight lost, and aging.
Am I Eligible for Arm Lift Surgery?
Arm lift surgery can be done on anyone with extra skin, fat, or tissue in their arms from losing weight or aging. It is a surgical procedure that provides a smoother, more toned appearance by removing excess skin and fat from the arm.
It is also applicable to those who have lost weight due to pregnancy or aging. It is not recommended for people who have diabetes or severe arthritis since complications such as bleeding, infection, or nerve damage could occur after the surgery. Arm lift surgery is often indicated for people who have a lot of excess skin on their arms.
Arm Lift Surgery Techniques
Surgery for lifting sagging arm skin can be performed with different techniques. During the examination, the doctor will decide the technique to apply. The arm lifting techniques offered to people who want to have their arm skin lifted include:
- Standard arm lift
- Short scar arm lift or mini arm lift surgery
- Extended scar arm lift surgery
Recovery Process After Arm Lift Surgery
After the operation, the arms should not be raised above the shoulders for 2 weeks. Drains are used to prevent fluid accumulation under the incision site. Adsorbable sutures dissolve and disappear within 1 month.
The bandages on your arms should be left on for 1-2 days. Wearing a corset for three days will be useful. It is advised to wait for 48 hours before taking a shower. A few days are enough to return to daily activities. Furthermore, it is necessary to refrain from driving for two weeks. Waering a corset will accelerate the healing process especially after arm lift surgery.
When Will I See the Results of Arm Lift Surgery?
After the operation, the outcomes may be seen in a short period of time. Due to swelling, edema, and bruising, a noticeable recovery may not be visible at first. However, most of the edema is gone after the first month, and the difference is noticeable. After a year, the scars fade to the color of the skin. So they turn into ambiguous scars.
What Are the Risks and Potential Side Effects of Arm Lift Surgery?
The surgery is generally safe. However, as with all surgical procedures, this treatment has also some risks and side effects. Risks of infection and bleeding, for example are low. Bruising and swelling may also develop as transient adverse effects. In addition, there may be side effects such as fluid retention and a delay in wound healing.
Is Arm Lift Surgery Painful?
The most frequently asked question while considering the procedure is whether it will be painful. The answer is dependent on the type of anaesthetic used and the amount of discomfort you are willing to bear. Because of the anesthetic, it is painless.
Is the Outcome of Arm Lift Surgery Permanent?
The outcome of this surgery is permanent if no complications develop. The procedure removes extra skin and fat from the arm, resulting in a more defined contour. If no significant weight changes occur, the arm lift is permanent.
Is Anesthesia Required for Arm Lift Surgery?
In arm lift surgery, it is intended that the patient experience no pain and that the doctor operate comfortably. An anesthetic is administered for this purpose. General or local anesthesia can be used depending on the procedure.
How Long Does Arm Lift Surgery Take?
The duration depends exactly on the technique used and the extent of sagging skin on the arms. However, the procedure is generally short. The operation is completed in 1 to 1.5 hours. So it is not a very long procedure.
What Is an Arm Lift with Minimal Incision?
In an arm lift with minimal incision, the surgeon makes an incision on either side of the arm near the elbow. This procedure is minimally invasive and faster than conventional surgeries. It is an effective method.
What Is Brachioplasty?
Brachioplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves the surgical removal of excess skin and fat from the arms. It is usually combined with liposuction, which is used to remove unwanted or unneeded fat cells from the areas of the body. It is also called an abdominoplasty.
If I Gain or Lose Weight, Will May Arm Skin Sag Again?
Weight gain and loss do not cause sagging. However, it should be noted that this depends on how much weight is gained. Sudden excessive weight gain or loss may cause sagging.
In Which Season Should I Have Arm Lift Surgery?
The operation does not have a seasonal criteria. This treatment is beneficial in all seasons for those who have sagging skin on their arms. It should be noted, however, that during the summer months, the surgical area should be protected from the effects of the sun. It may be preferable to use sunscreen for protection.
Does Exercise Fix Sagging Arm Skin?
Exercise can help to correct minor sagging in any area of the body, including the arm. However, exercise alone is not enough for excessive sagging skin on the arm. This requires surgery.
Do You Recommend Getting a Massage After an Arm Lift?
It’s normal to have some side effects after surgery. Edema is one of them. Edema subsides on its own with time. Getting a massage, however, may help dissipate the edema. So, following arm lift surgery, you can get a massage on the treated area.
Will There Be a Scar After Arm Lift Surgery?
Because the operation requires an incision, there is a scar that runs from the armpit to the elbow. This scar, however, is on the inside of the arm. It is also a thin scar. While it appears fluffy in the first several months, it gradually fades. Thus, it turns into a ore ambiguous scar.
Non-Surgical Arm Lift (Arm Lift with Spider Web)
The procedure involves placing spider web threads under the arm. These threads tighten the arm skin. They also help in the production of collagen.
Prices for Arm Lift Surgery in 2023
Depending on the nature of the procedure, prices vary from patient to patient. Pricing is affected by the method used. Other concurrent procedures will also be considered. Information about the cost of an arm lift can be received from a doctor, health center, or hospital.